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2024-07-11 00:00

Social Media and Endorsement Policy


This Policy applies to all lululemon Ambassadors when speaking, writing, blogging, posting on any platform, or otherwise discussing or endorsing lululemon products, events or services (“lululemon Endorsements”). This Policy applies to written or verbal communications including but not limited to social media, broadcast, print, websites, mobile applications or any other form of media. lululemon may change, alter, or modify this policy at any time without prior notice. If you do not fully agree with the terms of this Policy, do not write about lululemon or make any lululemon Endorsements.

本政策适用于所有 lululemon 大使在任何平台上发言、创作、写博客、发布帖文、或以其他形式讨论或代言 lululemon 的产品、活动或服务(“lululemon 代言)。本政策适用于书面或口头上的交流,包括但不限于社交媒体、广播、印刷品、网站、移动应用或任何其他媒体形式。无需事先通知,lululemon 可以随时变更、更改或修改本政策。如果您不完全同意本政策的条款,请不要撰写有关 lululemon 的文章或进行任何 lululemon 代言。

Act responsibly and live the lululemon culture

负责任地行事、践行 lululemon 文化

As an Ambassador you represent lululemon, especially if you have mentioned lululemon on any online profile (Instagram, Meta (formerly known as ‘Facebook’), DouYin, TikTok, X (formerly known as ‘Twitter’), LinkedIn, WeChat, Weibo, Little Redbook, KEEP etc.). Do not criticize or insult fellow ambassadors, others in the fitness community, lululemon, including lululemon employees and guests, or other brands in any way. lululemon prohibits language that is defamatory, discriminatory, harassing, disparaging, or violates obscenity laws.

作为大使,您将代表 lululemon,尤其是当您在任何网络个人资料中提到 lululemon 之时(例如 InstagramMeta(此前称之为脸书、抖音、抖音国际版、X(此前称之为推特、领英、微信、微博、小红书、KEEP 等)。不得以任何形式批评或侮辱其他大使、运动健康社群的其他人、lululemon(包括 lululemon 的员工和客人)、或其他品牌。lululemon 禁止您使用诽谤、歧视、骚扰、诋毁的语言或违反淫秽相关的法律。

Your opinions are your opinions—not the company’s


There is a clear difference between speaking “on behalf of lululemon” and speaking about lululemon. Be clear in any personal online posts relating to lululemon that the statements made are your own and don’t necessarily represent the company’s positions, strategies, or opinions.

代表 lululemon”发言和谈论 lululemon 是有明显区别的。请知晓,您个人在网上发布的与 lululemon 相关的任何贴文均属于个人行为,不必然代表公司的立场、策略或观点。

Example: Add a disclaimer to the effect: “The opinions and positions expressed are my own and do not reflect those of lululemon”.

例如:增加一条免责声明仅为本人观点和立场,不代表 lululemon 的观点和立场

That being said, if you express an opinion that could harm lululemon, even if not expressing it on lululemon’s behalf, that expression may constitute a violation of this Social Media and Endorsement Policy and cause to immediately terminate this Agreement.

因此,如果您表达的观点可能会伤害 lululemon,即使不是代表 lululemon 表达,该观点也可能构成违反本《社交媒体和代言政策》,并导致立即终止本协议。

lululemon Endorsements - be transparent and disclose your affiliation

lululemon 代言——透明性及公开与您的合作

lululemon is committed to complying with laws and regulations (including the requirements of endorsement in the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China) requiring clear and accurate marketing messages, endorsements and testimonials when communicating with the public, including the disclosure of all material connections between lululemon and ambassadors. In any communications about lululemon products, events or services, you must adhere to the following general standards and disclosure requirements:

lululemon 致力于遵守相应适用的法律法规(包括《中华人民共和国广告法》中的代言要求),其中要求与公众交流时应提供清晰准确的营销信息、代言和证言,包括公开 lululemon 与大使间所有实质性的关联。在进行任何有关 lululemon 的产品、活动或服务的交流时,您必须遵守以下通用标准和公开要求:

1. General Standards


  only make statements that reflect your honest opinions, finding, beliefs or experiences.


·     don’t speak on behalf of a company or franchise unless you are the company or franchise owner. Don’t violate any contracts you may have with a franchisor, or other parties.


·     do not make deceptive, misleading, unsubstantiated or untruthful claims about lululemon’s products or services.

      不得就 lululemon 的产品或服务作出欺骗、误导、或发表无事实根据的或不真实的言论。

·     do not make any comments that promote unsafe or dangerous activities.


·     do not engage in any communication that infringes upon the intellectual property or privacy and publicity rights of others.


·     do not use logos or trademarks of lululemon without the prior written consent of lululemon.

      未经 lululemon 事先书面允许,不得使用 lululemon 的标识或商标。

·     do not make any comments that violate local, state, provincial or national law.



2. Disclosure Requirements


Ambassadors must clearly and conspicuously disclose any “material connections” to lululemon in any communications concerning lululemon and/or its products or services. A “material connection” is one that is not reasonably expected by the audience or not readily apparent from the context of the communication that may affect the weight or credibility a reasonable consumer would give to the communications or messages made by an Ambassador. Such material connections include receiving any compensation, product, gift cards, discounts or other benefits of being an Ambassador.

大使必须在任何与 lululemon /或其产品或服务相关的交流中,清晰明显地公开与 lululemon 间的任何实质关联实质关联是指观众不能合理预期的,或在交流语境中不能明显显现的,从而可能导致理性消费者对大使交流信息的重视和信任程度受到影响的关联。此类实质关联包括获得作为大使的任何报酬、产品、礼品卡、优惠或其他福利。

You should disclose your connection with us in your social media and online profiles. Please make a distinction according to the content of the posting, when speaking generally about lululemon or wearing our clothes in pictures, please include #今天穿lululemon or #一起好状态 in your post, and please also include #lululemonambassador in it. If you are writing about or wearing product you received for free or purchased with your Ambassador Gift Cards, additional disclosure may be required such as: I received [product] from lululemon as a gift; or [Thanks to][Courtesy of] lululemon, I was given [product]; or lululemon sent me [product] to try.

您应在您的社交媒体和网络个人资料中公开您与我们的关联。请您根据发布内容作以区分,当您在谈论 lululemon 或发布穿着我们衣服的图片时,请在发布内容中加上 #今天穿lululemon 或 #一起好状态 标签,也请在发布内容中加上 #lululemonambassador 或 #lululemon大使 标签。如您描写或穿着的是免费的或使用您的大使礼品卡购买的产品,则还需公开额外的信息,例如:[产品]是 lululemon 向我赠送的礼品;或[感谢] lululemon [提供],我收到了[产品];或 lululemon 提供[产品]给我试用。

The above are only examples of disclosures which may be adequate. Variations of these examples may also be adequate depending on the context. The key is to disclose that there is a relationship with, and compensation from lululemon which a reasonable consumer reading the Endorsement may not have realized.

以上仅为可以采用的公开示例。实际可根据上下文和语境进行调整和说明。重要的是,要公开理性消费者看到代言时可能不会意识到的您与 lululemon 间的关系或 lululemon 向您提供的补偿。

Disclosures need to be made in a clear and conspicuous manner. This generally means the disclosure should be physically close to where the Endorsement was made and in a similar size, font and color. disclosure should be made before a “more…” truncation when there is a lot of text or hashtags.


Important Contacts:


Social Media Team cnmedia@lululemon.com if:

如果有以下情况,请通过 cnmedia@lululemon.com 联系社交媒体团队:

·     You are unclear on any aspect of this policy


·     You made a mistake


·     You are contacted by anyone in the media.






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